Page 33 - Guia 2000
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Green Valley Languagae wrapped in colourful paper.
School Families will often have a meal together on
Green Valley som una acadèmia d’anglès ubicada a Christmas Eve to celebrate all being together.
l’Urgell i Pla d’Urgell. A partir d’aquest curs ens podeu Before bed, children will hang large socks, called
trobar a les instal.lacions de Tinc Tan a Mollerussa. stockings, out so that Father Christmas can fill
El nostre objectiu principal és la COMUNICACIÓ, them with toys and sweets in the night time. They
que els nostres alumnes siguin capaços d’entendre will also leave out some milk and mince pies on a
i parlar anglès, i oferim un ampli ventall de cursos plate to thank Father Christmas.
personalitzats per totes les edats, nivells i necessitats. Christmas day starts with a special breakfast,
maybe smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Some
A continuació us deixem un petit article on us families drink “bucks fizz” - orange juice and
expliquem com es celebra el Nadal al Regne Unit: champagne mixed together!
After breakfast everyone opens their presents
What is Christmas like in the UK? together in one room.
Christmas starts in the UK when people start to The big meal of the day is Lunch. The classic
decorate their whole house, and their gardens too. Christmas lunch is roast turkey with roast
The centerpiece of the decoration is the Christmas potatoes, yorkshire pudding and lots of different
Tree. This will have more decorations, sometimes vegetables. Everyone eats too much! Dessert is
made of chocolate wrapped in silver and gold foil. usually Christmas cake or Christmas pudding (they
As family members buy and wrap presents, they are different).
are placed under the tree. By Christmas Eve, (the The day after Christmas is called Boxing Day.
24th of December) there is often a big pile of gifts Charles Hodson i Marta Amenós
GUIA 2000